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Attempting to express personal feelings of hope, joy, pain and in many ways admiration is difficult as we experience life in the new country of South Sudan.  How incredible to witness the beginning of a nation.  An unassuming, beautiful population of hopeful, yet unfathomable needy people with primitive cultivation abilities.  Children of all ages are seen seemingly, wandering on the side of the dusty clay roads.  Goats, cows and an occasional dog roams, unleashed in the marketplace.  Women, many with small children, man rows of vegetables  and grains in hopes of securing enough money to keep their families afloat.

We have truly been awakened with “eyes wide open” as the DS of South Sudan for the East African Conference, Fred Dearing and his wife, Libby have introduced us to the realities of this new land.  We have spent hours and days visiting the most vulnerable of all, the village orphans and children.  Multitudes of children are being cared for by dedicated, yet under equipped caregivers.

As a Methodist team of fact finders, the resounding requests are not for handouts or quick fix temporary relief efforts. They desire knowledge!  Their tribal heritage and culture is based on generations of primitive ideologies and traditions that are not conducive to development, progression and sustainability of their people.  They desire knowledge to help themselves form effective healthcare, agricultural practices and accountable leadership.  The daily encounters with the harsh reality are heart wrenching, but not hopeless.  The need is great and so is the faith, desire and the ability of the people, if given the chance.

War is the past for the older generation, but the multitudes of children and young adults can look forward to peace, prosperity and self preservation as they grow through knowledge that only education can provide.

Carol Leonard

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We have made it to Yei, yea.  The travel was long and everyone was exhausted but we had a day of much needed rest.  The last plane ride was good.  Pics are attached if they will load. It’s Wed and we are headed out to one of the villages.  We are all very excited. This is the day the Lord has made and we are rejoicing.  Blessings to eveyone at home.  We love you all.



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As I write this we are over the Sahara Desert.  Since I don’t have a window seat I am unable to look down and see the beauty of it from the sky.  It has been a long travel day for everyone.  We began this journey 22 1/2 hours ago when we arrived at the Knoxville airport. We will all be glad for a good nights sleep, laying down, not sitting up, and a good shower.  We still have about 6 hours before we get to Uganda.  It will be close to midnight when we arrive.  We will spend the night.  We will get up bright and early and board an 18 passenger plane for our final flight into Yei.  God has blessed us with a good and safe journey so far even with the  hour and a half flight delay in Amsterdam.  With all the travel and flight changes in the past 24 hours you see and hear a lot of things.  One thing you hear a lot in the airports and on the flights is priority seating, first class, prefered cu   stomer and thank you for being  part of the Delta/KLM family.  I don’t pay mor   e for first class seating and I don’t have the Gold Delta Skymiles credit card that would get me Priority Boarding or discounts.  I don’t want to pay more to get the discounts, rewards or to be a part of the Delta family.  But I am part of a family that does receive rewards and we didn’t pay the costs.  In the family of God, we all receive the rewards and have first class seating, but we didn’t pay any of the costs, Jesus paid it  all.  And the great thing is that everyone is equal and no one receives more or less because of what we do, who we are or how much we have.

Read Matthew 20:1-16

Matthew 20:12  “These who were hired last worked only one hour,” they said, “and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.”


Blessings, Janet

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“33” –  It’s just a number, right?  On a normal week, I wouldn’t even think about the number 33.  But this week I have felt like I’ve been in a never ending episode of Sesame Street where they repeat the number 33 over and over again.  I don’t know about others on the team, but 33 has given me some headaches this week.  “33” is an important number as we prepare to fly into the Wild Blue Yonder Sunday.  Usually when you fly you can have a checked bag that weights 50 lbs., but we can only have a checked bag of 33 lbs., and a backpack type carry on.  For most of the trip 50 lbs. is okay, but when we get to Uganda and board the small 18 passenger plane that takes us into South Sudan, we can only have 33 lbs., there’s that number again, and a small carry on bag.  Packing for 19 days can be difficult when you are limited on the amount of weight.  Luckily, we can do our laundry while in South Sudan, so cutting back on clothes was a little easier.  But, then we have the liquids.  The bug sprays, sunscreen etc. can add up quickly.  But, I really didn’t have a problem there either.  My problem came with the coffee and snacks.  What can I say, I like my coffee and I like to snack.  So, do I take clothes and bug spray, or do I take coffee?

Finally, I’m was all packed and right on 33 lbs.  What a relief.  Then I had to think about shoes or more importantly, boots.  I already have my tennis shoes, which I will be wearing, a pair of sandals and my flip flops for around the house.  Should I take my boots or not?  After all, it is rainy season.  When I inquired about the boots the answer was, that my tennis shoes would be fine, but there may be times I wish I had boots.  So, in went the boots and my victory over the 33 lbs. was lost.  Every ounce matters…..

There is a lesson to be learned here.  It’s actually easier than you think to pack for 19 days and only have 33 lbs., we just need to think about what we don’t need and what kind of “things” we can leave behind.  We complicate life so much and carry so much more than we need to.  If I can just go through my suitcase of stuff daily and rid it of “things” that I don’t need, and give them to God, then I won’t be carrying around a lot of excess baggage that weighs my thoughts down and keeps my focus off of God.   Every ounce matters…..

Matthew 11:28-30  28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

We just need to average 33lbs. each so if someone is over a little, someone else will be under a little.  I am now at about 31 lbs., but won’t breath easier until it is weighted at the airport.  I’ve left out all I feel I can do without, and yes, I kept the coffee.
Let’s keep our focus on God and not on all the other “stuff”!  In order to do that we have to remember that God will provide for us daily.

Matthew 6:9-13

“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.

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The time is drawing near.  This time next week we will be in South Sudan.  While we are traveling it is important to know that others are praying for us and South Sudan.  Below is a daily prayer list.  Feel free to print it and give it to your churches and family members.  Once we receive an itinerary of what we will be doing on ground, we will try to put daily prayer requests here on the blog. Don’t wait until the date on the list to start praying, Begin Praying NOW for the team and the sacrifice they are making not to mention the sacrifice family members are making. We appreciate your prayers and support.

The Success of our Mission over there depends on prayers over here
The enemy hates a praying Church

Thank God daily for how he is working in Africa & the team

Pray daily for our safety & good health

08/19/12    Safe & pleasurable flights & travel to all destinations
08/20/12    The hearts of the team members will be prepared & each member will be a good testimony
08/21/12    Hearts of the Sudanese will be prepared & open to the team arrival
08/22/12    Relationship among the team members, the host pastors & missionaries will be strong
08/23/12    That the team will have patience, flexibility, humility & Godly & servant attitudes
08/24/12    The health & safety of the team, missionaries and staff
08/25/12    For the hosts to have patience and flexibility with the team
08/26/12    The country will come to know Jesus as Lord & Savior & the scars of war will be healed. New people will visit   Christian Churches and the Word will spread through the country
08/27/12    For team member families and the team members as they are away from their families. Also the missionaries and their families
08/28/12    For the government, leaders and teachers, that they will be saved and lead with a loving, humble heart
08/29/12    The multiplying and building of churches, church attendance, membership & church finances & Pastor support in South Sudan
08/30/12    The leaders and pastors of the Africa UM Church and more will come forth to become pastors and leaders
08/31/12    The widows and orphans.  The schools, teachers and teacher training and support
09/01/12    Church covenant partners between South Sudan and Holston Conference churches
09/02/12    For all homes to be healed and saved.  For good health of all Sudanese and the training of birth attendants
09/03/12    Farming God’s Way training to be successful
09/04/12    For new people to visit Christian churches & the Word will spread through the country
09/05/12    Safe & pleasurable flights & travel returning home
09/06/12    Pray for UMCOR, UMC Health Board, Micro-finance empowerment
09/07/12    Economic inflation and Medical Costs.  Food prices have doubled and tripled and medical costs are skyrocketing
09/08/12    Missionaries Fred and Libby Dearing, Steve and Diantha Hodges, Lynn and Sharon Fogleman
Don’t stop praying here.  Continue to pray for South Sudan, our missionaries and partnerships and all that is listed above.  Also pray for the South Sudan churches listed below.
South Sudan Churches:  Kenyi, Ligitolo, Logo, Gwiria, Nyambusu, Libogo, Mirodu, Kisangani, Morre, Ridya, Yei, Logobero, Pukuka, Pisak, Kirikwa, Kelego, Yondoro, Kupera, new church starts and new church covenant partners.

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On August 19, a 9 person team from all over the Holston Conference will depart on a mission trip for Yei, South Sudan. We will live together, eat together, fellowship together and work together for nearly 3 weeks. We will represent 4 different Districts in the Holston Conference, Abingdon, Kingsport, Maryville, and Wytheville and one member from South Carolina. Our purpose is to look at projects and church partnerships from our conference churches to the churches in South Sudan. There are currently 18 UM churches in the area we will be visiting and if possible we will visit most of them. And, if weather permitting, meaning if the road is passable, we may get to visit the Yondoro UMC school where the 10 children go that the Wytheville District is in partnership with.

As we are preparing for this journey, please keep the mission team, our hosts Fred and Libby Dearing and the country of South Sudan in your prayers.  Also pray for the families we are leaving at home.  I am honored to be on this mission team and to represent the Wytheville District.  I pray for God to give me wisdom, direction and humility so that I may bring back to Wytheville District ALL He has for me to bring back.

While on this trip, I/we will try to update this site with what we are doing and possibly photos. Check back often for info, or sign up to receive the updates via email.

I am including some links and information about South Sudan along with a YouTube video that someone took while riding through the City of Yei.  You can also read news, check the time, weather forecast and listen to Sudan radio from the links below.











Thank you for your prayers and support.


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Early March Tornado’s sent trained Emergency Response Team members of the United Methodist Church Holston Conference to the Cleveland and Chattanooga TN area. Five of the 10 counties are in Holston Conference: Hamilton, Bradley, McMinn, Monroe, and Polk with damage as follows:
Bradley County
6 homes destroyed
13 heavily damaged
20 moderately damaged

Hamilton County
347 homes affected
77 destroyed
23 major damage

McMinn County
11 homes destroyed

Monroe County
33 homes destroyed

Polk County
7 homes destroyed

The Holston Conference Early Response Team was hard at work assisting survivors, primarily in the Ooltewah/Harrison area. We were based at and supported by Ooltewah UMC. They provided food, a place to sleep and showers. Everyone there was so gracious and helpful to the ERT members. I can’t express how Thankful and Blessed I felt to be living among the Ooltewah UMC family and for all they did to support the ERT Team members. They did everything possible to make us welcome and comfortable.

The days were long and the work was hard sometimes, but all of that was put aside to do what we needed to do to help the survivors. They were all so grateful and we felt blessed to be helping them. Each story was different and everyone I talked with felt blessed. I had a home and my possessions to go back to, and yet they had lost their homes and most of their possessions, but still talked about being blessed. Hearing their stories, listening to them, seeing what they had lost and still felt blessed, how could I complain about being away from home and family, or not having my bed to sleep in, or being out of my comfort zone, or being exhausted and dirty? I have no right to complain. In fact, I was rejoicing to be there. We had tears and laughter while helping the survivors, but most of all there was Love and you could see God working all around. One day some of us broke out into singing the song “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” We were working on one of the worst projects where the family had lost about everything, but they were spared their lives and it was a good day. The owners and family members were working along side us and even helped us clean up at other locations. Wow! Survivors can teach us a lot. When we showed up at one ladies home, she told us she had been praying for us all morning. That we would be safe etc. while we were working. How humbling. We were there to help her, but she helped each of us. What a wonderful thing to know that as you are using your hands and feet to be Christ, someone who is hurting because of the devastation to her own home is praying for you. How unselfish!!

The Holston Conference is in need of trained ERT workers who are willing to respond to disasters such as the Tornado’s that hit Tennessee. Please consider getting the training and even if you find you only have one day that you can help during a disaster response, it is greatly needed and appreciated and you won’t believe the blessing you will receive.

For information about ERT training, contact Mark Hicks at (865) 809-9044.

Funds are also needed. To give to ERT response efforts, write a check to your local United Methodist Church with “Advance # 143” on the memo line.

A special Thank you to all the ERT members I worked with. It was a pleasure to get to know you and to work with you. I feel blessed that God brought each one of you into my life. And also to Ooltewah UMC and for all you have done for the ERT team. May God Bless each of you for your sacrifices.

I can never put into words what I saw or felt. Pictures can’t even truly tell the stories that only your own eyes can see. But, I hope these pictures help.

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I Love Thanksgiving.  It’s probably my favorite holiday.  Yes, we should be Thankful everyday, but this is a day set aside for us to slow down and spend time with family and friends.   time to eat and laugh and enjoy some football.  It’s a time to reflect on all that we have to be Thankful for.  And, we have ALOT to be Thankful for.   Yes, I was Thankful for the food we had to eat, and I of coarse ate more than I should have.  I got to thinking about it, and is being Thankful for the food we have just something we say?  Do we really know what it’s like not to have food?  We have it in abundance and throw away more in a mealtime than some have to eat in several days.  I found myself feeling selfish.  How often do I give up a meal so someone else can have one?   Today there were some in our communities that were making meals and serving those in our community who are in need.  I am grateful to all those who took their time on Thanksgiving Day to feed complete strangers.  I am preparing to leave on a mission trip to Nicaragua on Saturday morning, and some of what we will be doing is making meals of beans and rice to feed those in need, strangers.  I said earlier that I was feeling selfish to have so much and waste so much when there are others who don’t know when or where they will get their next meal.  But, I am still Thankful for ALL that God has blessed me with.  Maybe I need to be a better steward with what he gives me and not waste so much. He also commanded me to go, and to love.  Whether that is here in the USA or across the ocean, I can share what God has blessed me with.  And by serving those in need, I am serving Christ.  He took a little and fed a lot.  I don’t have a lot to offer, but what I have I will offer and Jesus will feed thousands.  Whether it’s physical food or spiritual food.  I am Thankful to serve our Savior and his lamb.

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Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. ( Philippians 4:6 ) After all, The Lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous. ( Proverbs 15:29 )


Czech Republic:


There are several centers in the Czech District of UMC that provide care for the needed. They operate under an umbrella of Diakonie UMC. Directors of the centers as well as the director of Diakonie ask for prayers:




* wisdom for leadership of the centers, for church councils and steering committees, so that they may find good ways of cooperation (the center and the local church) to the glory of the Lord


*enough qualified staff and enough finances


* wisdom for directors so that they could keep the quality standards and support employers


Ctirad Hruby




SKP Plzen


We run three activities: Therapeutic community Holy Hill, Half-way house and Work – Social Agency. Please pray for Gods blessings, for the staff so that we may work well and be good examples for non-Christians. Most of our clients do not know Christ. Please pray for them so that they find a way out of their poverty – also spiritual poverty. Please pray for new grants, gifts and for the reconstruction of Holy Hill.


Ivona Pavelkova




POINT 14, Plzen (addictions)


Please pray for enough funds – grants in 2012, for unity in the working team, qualification, new insights and new strength.


Nada Ruckaufova



SKP Horni Pocernice (shelter for families in need, services for senior citizens)


Please pray for our clients so that they learn how to manage their lives, for protection of children, for senior citizens in our neighborhood, for good relationships with the local church, for reconstruction of the main building.


Jan Prochazka



SKP – Nadeje pro zivot, Jihlava (Hope for Life, shelter for mothers and children)


We pray for encouragement and wisdom for our staff so that they are able to discipline inhabitans of the shelter with a Christian love, for wisdom in counceling, God’s protection and blessings.


Ctirad Hruby





November 6– 12 Trnava


Please pray for:


– The new mission work in Pezinok leading by Lubos Tagaj


– pre-Christmas evangelistic program for socially disadvantaged families (preparation, influence of Holy Spirit, salvation of unbelievers)


– the youth of our church


Rev. Stefan Rendos




November 13– 19 Slavkovce


Please pray for:


– a revival among our families and friends


– the strengthening of family relationships


– for my health (back problems)


– the exemplary life of the faithful outside the church


Rev. Jarmila Nagyova




November 20– 26 Bratislava Petrzalka


Pray for strength and courage to stand up and endure:


– in the practical steps of faith


– in the temptations and dangers of life in abundance


– in doing new decisions that lead to maturity


– in the street missionary activity


– in the dangers and attacks on our church


Rev. Brano Schmogrovits



November 27– December 3 Sered


Thank God for His mercy to us shows. Thank you for the older people in our church- they are an example for us and they are our witness of faith. Thank God that protects them. Brother Pisar, 86 years old, fell twice in the summer. Although the front has sewn, but otherwise is fine. One sister Anka had a stroke in the summer- thank God, that her condition had improved.


We are grateful for the autumn meeting of “campers under tent” that we have had from September 30 to October 2. Many people were refreshed spiritually.


Please pray for reinforce of the our church- we want continue in God’s work. Please pray for brother Michal Francisty, who moved from Slovakia. Let us pray that God strengthened him in solitude and to be able to find work Rev. Milena Belkova






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Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world.   A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.   In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”

The Czech Republic:

We thank God for blessings of the Softball Camp in July, for the team from TN, for the leader Bob Cantler and their friendship. We meet regularly with participants of the Camp and practice softball. Please pray with us for the outreach.  We have recently prayed for friends with serious health problems and for wisdom of their doctors. We are grateful for the answered prayers and God’s mercy.  Rev. Tomas Travnicek 

We pray for VIM team from PA who are coming soon, for children from non-Christian families who attended our summer camp of Royal Rangers and for a bigger space for Sunday service. Also, our Center for Mothers and Children is growing.   Thank you for your prayers.  Rev. Milan Mrazek 

Our prayer requests are: English Camp lead by a team from TN, Sep. 17 – 23; new people who have not yet decided for Christ; we need younger persons who would serve in our church; we ask Holy Spirit to help us not to lose hope and eagerness.  Rev. Jana Daneckova 

Please pray for new musicians in the church, for weak and ill persons among us, for another church in the charge Ceske Budejovice, for the team from our partner church Monticello, IL  who will come in September and serve in high schools bringing the Gospel there. Thank you.  Rev. Richard Novak 

Please pray with us for young persons in the town and surroundings, for praise music during youth worship, for families in the church, for wisdom in planning future activities and working with Romany people, for job opportunities in our region.  Rev. Zdenek Neuzil


September 4 – 10 Bratislava-Panenska
The 1st of September we organize afternoon for children and their parents with the name: The School is calling! We pray for all invited, as the ministers and all the interviews that we conducted with guests. We believe that through our Lord appeals to many. The 10th of September we will have a church conference and  youth meeting for which they invited many friends who do not yet know our Lord. May the Lord bless his minister of the Gospel, that all his disciples who bear witness to it!  Rev. Gabriella Kopas 

September 11 – 17 Gerlachov
At the beginning of the school year 2011/2012 we prepare a full-day event, which will be invited to all Roma children, youth and adults. The program will consist of games, concert of Agape- group from Slavkovce and preaching. Everyone will be able to enjoy a good stew. Please remember this event in your prayers. Also please pray for regular follow-up work with children, adolescents and youth that God changed their lives and that many decided for Jesus. Every Sunday at 15.00 we have the Sunday worship with 10-15 participants. Thank all of you in the love of Christ.  Rev. Luboslav Sirkovsky                                                         

September 18 – 24 Velke Kapusany
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7: 14)

 Last week we reflected upon the following about the meaning and importance of prayer and fasting. Now we invite you to join us in prayer because more families we serve have children ill with jaundice. We brought to the village disinfectants, which were ordered to be collected or accept the looming epidemic. Thank you for your prayer support.  Rev. Svetlana Komives-Francisty 

September 25 – October 1  Jenkovce
Please pray for the health of our older members and generally for the successful start of our children into schools.  Rev. Jirko Bassano


VIM Team Sept 1 for Tyn nad Vlatova UMC and then on to Tachov UMC.
We will be doing light construction work and will return stateside on Sept 19.  Rev. Deb Koresky 

Join us:  http://www.facebook.com/group.php?qid=171409653540

The next Eastern Europe and Balkan Consultation VII is Oct. 27-29, 2011 at Main St. UMC in Alton, IL (near St. Louis), please put this on your schedule to attend.

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